Thursday, January 3, 2013

Guest post from

A Very Happy New Year To All Our Lovely Readers

The first post of the year is a guest post from an online media company called  We are delighted to have them as our guest here on the blog. Glad2bawoman has more than 75,000 community members and the articles on their site encompass a number of topics, including Health, Leisure, Fashion, Empowerment and Relationships. We love the amazing articles that are published on their site, written by different women. Their attempt at empowering women with a voice of their own is really commendable. We were contacted by them to write an article for them that you'll get to read soon. Make sure to visit their site to read more of their amazing articles.

 Arpita and I are a little caught up with a few issues at the moment and this guest post comes at the perfect time. We will get to regular blogging asap. Till then, enjoy the post :)

A Random Act Of Kindness

Princess Diana has rightly said, “Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.”  How beautiful a virtue kindness is, and how in myriad ways can it be expressed! It touches the lives of not only the doer but the recipient as well. It does not need big words or major reasons. And the best part is the reward of the act lies in the deed itself.

Kindness is one of the few virtues that is not confined to an individual, but it has a deep impact on many more, who are influenced by it. Thus, it can not only bind together souls, but societies as well. It has been very aptly said to be the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Nobody can “learn” to be kind, nor can it be taught to anyone. If one simply helps an old man cross the street or gives new clothes to the street-children on Christmas, their kindness goes a long way in enriching many hearts. The one who does a random act of kindness never has an ulterior motive or selfish reason behind it, but he does it simply for the sake of doing it, and the inner satisfaction, the sense of fulfilment that ensues is unparalleled.

If we look at it deeply, we shall realize that it is basically kindness that lies at the core of all loving relationships. Be it between a mother and her child, between siblings, spouses or friends, or even between a teacher and his/her student, a boss and his/her employees, the degree, extent and type of kindness may vary, but it is that very feeling that makes each other feel valued and cared for. Love has its very root in kindness, and by doing little, nameless acts of kindness, we actually extend the power of love beyond the barriers of defined relationships. It can be inculcated within us from a young age, and it is indeed something to be cherished for a lifetime. We are mortals who have been brought to this world to spread happiness and goodwill and what better way than kindness to let the positive spirits of universal welfare to exude out of us as well as permeate our inner beings?

And we never need a chance or an occasion to be kind to others. It is simply about a moment, a reflex. We have to do nothing but respond. It is never too late to start. Begin today, in fact, right now, and do something good and heart-warming for your mum, your brother, your neighbour, the street-dog, the handicapped beggar near the traffic signal, the maid who toils hard all day, including your household. Make them feel good, and you’ll be left with a feeling that is incomparable, priceless. The joy and content will return multiple times manifold. For we are not here in the world simply to survive, but to live. And let’s live in the best way possible, which is to live not only for ourselves, but for others as well.

Guest article from

P.S. - Decided to give the blog a new look. Do let me know how you like the template.


  1. Love the new look ... it's really cool :-)

  2. the new look looks GOOD :)

    yes true a little act of kindness goes a long long way


  3. True, if only everyone thought of doing good without expecting something in return! The blog looks cool!! I've also been thinking of a blog makeover for a while now, got to get down to it!!

  4. @Amrit _ Thankew :D
    @Bikram ji_ It sure does :) Thanks...I'm glad you liked it :D
    @Fabida_ Exactly, that is what true kindness is about...doing it and not expecting it back :) Thanks...yeah please do a makeover for your blog...waiting to see it :D

  5. Loved this new look sweets :)
    Great post indeed. Thanks for sharing :)
    Have an awesome year ahead!

    Bong's Belleza

  6. @Ayantika _ Thanks a bunch ...:D A very happy new year to you and your loved ones :)

  7. Nicely said! :)

    wud u like to follow each other? lemme knw! :)

    My new post is up. Maybe you have time to read :)


  8. Beautiful post Swarnali ! Selfless humans bring most happiness for sure:) Wish you a lovely nNew Year ahead!

  9. @Akansha_ Thank you :D
    @Ivana :)
    @Rahul sir_ I completely agree :) A very happy new year to you too ^_^

  10. happy new year dear..the new look is pretty!!

    we all should have some kindness in our hearts right :)

  11. @Bhushavali _Thanks much... :)
    @Sushmita_ Yeah a little more kindness from everybody would make the world a little better perhaps. A very happy new year to you. We are glad you liked the new look :)

  12. Beautiful :)
    Pardon i am not following this blog regularly. you know i am lazy. dont u? hehe. k will try to do the catch up. lot of beautiful posts :) Got to read them allll :D
    k Cheeersss

  13. Wow! New blog look! I love it - It's cheery, bright and fun.

  14. the new look is refreshing :)
    have a great year ahead!


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