In an exclusive video for Lifebuoy, Bollywood actress and mother, Kajol shares her opinion about a video featuring Gondappa which has gone viral. She explains how as a mother, she constantly worries about the health of her children and how a minor things like a cold or a cut can make her extremely worried about her child.
Gondappa's story is a heart breaking one. He walks the entire way from his house to the village temple on his hands on a hot summer noon, never putting his feet down before he reaches the deity's shrine. He does all of this to thank the gods for his child has turned five. His actions might seem bizarre at first but when we realize that Gondappa is one of those few unfortunate parents who has lost his children to diarrhea, his actions don't seem misplaced. This is his first child to have survived.
As a parent, one's child's health is the prime priority and as Kajol mentions even a sneeze and bruise can get mothers worrying about their child's health. And to imagine having to lose one's infant is unimaginable.
You might like to watch the original video about Gondappa where he tells his story. See it HERE.
Gondappa's story is a heart breaking one. He walks the entire way from his house to the village temple on his hands on a hot summer noon, never putting his feet down before he reaches the deity's shrine. He does all of this to thank the gods for his child has turned five. His actions might seem bizarre at first but when we realize that Gondappa is one of those few unfortunate parents who has lost his children to diarrhea, his actions don't seem misplaced. This is his first child to have survived.
As a parent, one's child's health is the prime priority and as Kajol mentions even a sneeze and bruise can get mothers worrying about their child's health. And to imagine having to lose one's infant is unimaginable.
You might like to watch the original video about Gondappa where he tells his story. See it HERE.
" Every year two million (2000000) children under the age of five die of infections like diarrhea and pneumonia."
The most surprising aspect is the fact that these diseases which take such a huge toll of lives every year are diseases which can be very easily prevented. The only basic requirements of personal hygiene can keep these fatal diseases at bay. Washing one's hands before and after eating, after using the toilet, before cooking and handling food, and keeping the house clean are the basic few requirements which can help in prevention of the disease. Unfortunately, a large majority of parents are completely oblivious of these.
Lifebuoy as one of India's leading brands has come forward with the Help a Child Reach Five campaign to spread the importance of personal hygiene to the remote rural areas of India. They have set to focus on Thesgora, a village in India with one of the highest rates of diarrhea and have started to spread the awareness regarding the need for basic personal hygiene and bringing in real change to help prevent a large number of infectious diseases leading to child deaths. For every share of the video, Lifebuoy has promised to pay Re.1 towards the campaign.
Join Lifebuoy's campaign on their Facebook page, their Youtube stream and on their website to help reduce the number of child deaths in India due to diarrhea. Share Gondappa's story and if possible, donate to the campaign if you can and spread the word so that no parent has to go through the horror of losing their beloved child.
This post is sponsored by Lifebuoy but all opinions are my own.